Sunday, 7 April 2013

Now on Season 2...Farewell to Christopher Eccleston...

I am now on Season 2. Just in case anyone wanted to know...


I almost cried...I probably would have if I was watching it at home...maybe I will when we watch it again...
...he died to save Rose...
...and now he's GONE!
I don't understand...those STUPID people who hate the Ninth Doctor...
...Oh, that's rude...isn't it? sorry... :P
Ten will take a while to get used to, I think...I mean...he is great, and really funny...but Nine is much like the Doctor...idk...(well, I mean, he is the Doctor, obviously..but...ok, nevermind...)
I can't imagine what it must have been like for Rose...he didn't even tell her before he regenerated...
...and then he made her think he was dying...

But I must say, a duel is a great way to start... :)

   <-- Kinda sounds like Star Wars...with all the hands that are cut off...
(Not to mention, watching The Goblet of Fire right after was incredibly strange...)


Okay...I will stop now...I'm sorry... more...

Okay...*now* i'm done...


  1. Who hates the Ninth Doctor!? How could they!? He was awesome! I had the same opinion of Tennant after the regeneration but I eventually really liked him in the role after a few seasons.
    Ah, so you have been watching the Harry Potter movies, I watched all eight about this time last year and enjoyed them overall.


  2. I liked Ninth; he was so funny! I liked Ten right away, but that may have been because 'Blink' was my first episode (and it's my favorite). I didn't like Eleven at all when he came along, I wanted Ten back, but I love him; a wrench to say this, but Eleven is a lot more fun and goofy than Ten or Ninth. Whatever! The SHOW is freaking AWESOME!

    1. I have only seen The Christmas Invasion with Ten so far, and he is great, just I'm used to Nine...
      My friends say I will hate Blink...

      YEAH, IT IS!!!


  4. Honestly I absolutely hated Ten for quite a few episodes... I was too busy mourning for Nine. After finishing the seventh season, Ten is my least favorite of the new three Doctors, but I still love him and think he was absolutely amazing. There is just something about Nine's darkness and veiled emotions, not to mention the outright ones of amazement and happiness(The Doctor Dances "Just this once!" scene, and indelible hatred and rage towards the Daleks and guilt that haunts him deeply throughout his regeneration (Dalek) that draws him to me as my first and favorite Doctor. Eleven is quirky, funny, happy, sweet, and dorky, but he is also serious about the things that count, such as protecting his companions. He still carries the guilt and sadness from Nine, and sometimes is shows very apparently, but he is able to enjoy life and be goofy and awkward in the most lovable of ways without ever forgetting what he's responsible for and what's really important. He needs company and instead of the "I don't need you, but come along if you want" attitude Nine has when he really need Rose more than anything else or the "I know that I need your company to keep me sane, but I can show you wonders and share my world if you'll be my companion." impression that Ten gives off, Eleven is almost childishly clingy and has such a gleeful and easily amused personality that endears him to me and his companions.
